Channel Marketing

Do you know who you’re talking to? Sign up for a FREE CONTENT AUDIT

9 Dec , 2017  

In a mobile-driven world that demands highly-focused content be little more than a click away, it’s imperative that companies have engaging content at each stage of their customer’s decision-making process.

But if you map your average organisation’s online content to their customer’s buying journey then you’re likely to highlight a number of critical discrepancies.

In 2017, Agile Marketing did a survey of software vendors and found the following:

  • There was a large bias towards specific buying stages. In this instance, more than 80% of content was usually focused on the ‘solution’ and early ‘vendor selection’ stages. That invariably meant that less than 10% was dedicated to customer education and even less (sometimes nothing) to on-boarding;
  • 20-30% of great content is completely lost in other content. Usually because it’s written as part of bigger pieces targeting other areas
  • 40-60% of online content can usually be easily repurposed to address other or multiple stages of the buying journey;

In other words, the majority of organisations could significantly improve their inbound marketing by not actually doing anything new!

Introducing Content Atomisation

Content atomisation is an incredibly powerful modern marketing technique to help organisations focus their content on the right areas of the decision-making process.

It’s the process of breaking content into more digestible and searchable formats so that it can be more closely mapped to a buying journey.

Not only that. It also allows the marketer to measure the impact of individual content and messaging much more effectively (it also enables them to test new content more readily).

Grab yourself a free Content Audit!

A Content Audit from Agile Marketing will analyse all of your customer-facing content. This will enable you to map this content against a perspective buying journey to see where the predominant focus is and therefore, where the gaps are. The Audit will draw out key content highlighting what should be atomised, how it should be meta-tagged, what can be amended and what needs to be re-written.

We’ve done this for more than 30 companies now, all of which have seen almost instant performance improvements as a result.

And we’ll do it for you, for free! Just drop a note to:


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