Channel Marketing

The Joy of SaaS – it’s The Channel, but not as we know it!

13 Aug , 2019  

Almost every organisation in the IT space is moving to the cloud in some way or another. All the major software vendors now have significant SaaS offerings (albeit with disparate pricing models), major hardware manufactures are also getting in on the act, whilst most telecos are making major cloud plays as well. But it’s the […]

Innovation & transformation, Marketing Management

It’s different being disruptive – how startups adopt leaner marketing structures

21 Feb , 2019  

There are no blueprints for a technology startup. It’s not like expanding a product line or opening a branch office. These companies are trying to create a market with no service history, little brand equity and by selling something that nobody has bought before. The kind of customer who buys a product like this, from an […]

Channel Marketing, Marketing Technology

Martech – who is making sense of it all?

5 Dec , 2018  

Martech is hot! In 2011, there were around 150 marketing technology solutions on the market. By 2020, that number topped 7,000. That represents a 27% year-on-year increase. With more than US$14bn invested each year in martech startups and a market consolidating at less than 5%, it’s only going to get more complicated. So, how do […]

Innovation & transformation

Eric Ries on Four Common Misconceptions About The Lean Startup

27 Nov , 2018  

This article originally appeared in Entrepreneur If you believe that lean startup methods lead to cheap products and companies, or that lean startup companies don’t think big, think again. The digital revolution, globalization and technology platforms have forced companies to bring products to market faster than ever to stay alive, and even behemoths such as […]

Innovation & transformation

Why Reading The Lean Startup was never going to be enough!

19 Nov , 2018  

I’ve been banging on about The Lean Startup ever since Eric Ries wrote it in 2011. The problem I had in the early days was that you can’t retro-fit the thinking. If a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) wasn’t part of the initial development plan, then you weren’t just re-structuring you were also re-setting expectations. Which, in […]

Channel Marketing

Why the IT channel needs an new marketing model

31 Oct , 2018  

The IT channel used to be a pretty straightforward place to live. Ok, so it’s a TLA train wreck to an outsider, but those in the know were clear on the roles ISVs, SIs, VARs, LARs and the like played. So, they just got on with getting good at it and vendors rewarded them handsomely […]

Marketing Management

You don’t need more creatives, you need to get agile!

21 Jun , 2018  

How do you sustain competitive advantage in a world of increasing transparency, where everybody has instant access to the same data and is using the identical technologies to manipulate it? That’s the challenge facing today’s enterprise marketer. But it’s not going to be solved by applying legacy processes, it needs a fundamentally new approach. We need […]

Content Marketing

Atomisation and the art of aligning content to a buyer’s journey

6 Jun , 2018  

In 2017, mobile devices overtook the desktop to become our primary access to the internet. But it’s too easy to think of a smartphone, a tablet or a phablet as just another avenue into our online utopia. What Mobile has done is to fundamentally change customer buying behaviours. It’s created an always-on culture and driven a […]

Innovation & transformation


18 May , 2018  

The big difference with working a start-up is that there are no blueprints. Nobody has done this before. Nobody has sold what you’re about to sell. Very few people will have written a marketing plan for a business that has no brand presence or a product that doesn’t exist yet. Fewer still will have seen that […]

Marketing Management

The Joy of SaaS – it’s marketing, but not as we know it

18 Apr , 2018  

When a company decides to start selling software as a service, it usually means that instead of paying up-front for perpetual licences, their customers start paying on a recurring subscription basis. There are a number of benefits for vendors adopting this kind of business model, it cuts delivery costs for one and enables software developers to […]